Björn Quiring
Björn Quiring ist Assistant Professor am Trinity College Dublin. Publikationen u. a. "Shakespeare's Curse: The Aporias of Ritual Exclusion in Early Modern Royal Drama" (Routledge, 2014) und "Trials of Nature: The Infinite Law Court of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'" (Routledge, 2021). Herausgabe von Sammelbänden zur Metapher des Theatrum Mundi, zur Kulturgeschichte des Chaos und zum Verhältnis von Horror und Philosophie. Über Heiner Müller und "Hamletmaschine" zwei Einträge in der "Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Shakespeare" (2023).
Björn Quiring is an assistant professor at Trinity College Dublin. His publications include "Shakespeare's Curse: The Aporias of Ritual Exclusion in Early Modern Royal Drama" (Routledge, 2014) and "Trials of Nature: The Infinite Law Court of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'" (Routledge, 2021). He has edited volumes on the theatrum mundi metaphor, on the history of chaos and on the relation between horror and philosophy. On Heiner Müller and "Hamletmaschine", two entries for the "Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Shakespeare" (2023).