Carl Weber
Regisseur, Theaterwissenschaftler
Director, writer, and teacher.
Professor at Stanford University, USA
Born August 7, 1925, in Dortmund, Germany.
Zimmertheater, Heidelberg,West Germany, 1949-50; Theater der Freundschaft, Berlin, Germany, actor, 1950-52; Berliner Ensemble, Berlin, actor, director, and dramaturg, 1952-61; Buehnen der Hansestadt Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany, resident director, 1961-63; Wuppertaler Buehnen, Wuppertal, Germany, prinicipal director and dramaturg, 1964-66; Ticsh School of the Arts, New York City, master teacher of directing, 1966-84; Stanford University, Stanford, CA, professor of drama, 1984-. Visitingprofessor and director at Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1961,Stanford University, 1963-64, National Theatre School of Canada, 1965, University of California, 1966, Columbia University, 1969, Princeton University, 1973, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany, 1980, and Temple University,Philadelphia, PA, 1981. Member: International Brecht Society, Societyof Stage Directors and Choreographers (member of the board of directors, 1980-87), Association for Theatre in Higher Education, PEN-West. Awards, Honors: Jylland Critics Award, Denmark, 1960, for Mother Courage; ObieAward, 1973, for Kaspar; Villager Award, 1978, for Scenes from a Country Life.
Addresses: Office: Department of Drama, Stanford Univeristy, Stanford, CA 94305-5010
Agent: The Elisabeth Marton Agency, 1 UnionSquare West, Room 612, New York, NY 10003-3303.