Kai Bremer


Geboren 1971. Lebt in Berlin.
1992-1998 Studium der Germanistik, Geschichte und ev. Theologie in Göttingen, Magister Artium
2002 Promotion

Akademische Tätigkeit


Daneben regelmäßig theaterkritische Tätigkeiten aktuell für www.nachtkritik.de


Kai Bremer was born in 1971 and lives in Berlin. From 1992 to 1998 he studied History, German Studies and Protestant Theology in Göttingen and received his Master of Arts. In 2002 he received his doctorate. He was a DFG-scholarship (German Research Community) recipient at Göttinger’s graduate program “Church and Society in the 15th and 16th Century” from 1998 to 2001. From 2002 to 2005, Bremer worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Cultural History of the Early Modern Period at the University of Osnabruck. He then went on from 2005 until 2007 to be a research assistant at the Center for Literature and Cultural Research in Berlin. Since 2007, Kai Bremen has simultaneously worked as an academic advisor at the Institute for German Studies at the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen. He obtained his habilitation in Modern German Literature and Literary History at JLU Gießen in July 2015 and was subsequently appointed as a private lecturer in the same field in December 2015. In November 2017, he received the Prize of the JLU Gießen for his habilitation thesis on "Postskriptum Peter Szondi". From his appointment at Kiel University as a Professor of Literary History, he moved to the University of Osnabrück where he became a Professor of Early Modern German Literature in a European Context, as well as the Managing Director of the Institute for Early Modern Cultural History until March 2023. Since 2022, he has been the main editor and editorial director of the journal Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (IASL). As of April 2023, he holds the position of Professor of Early Modern German Literature in a European Context at the Institute for German and Dutch Philology at the FU Berlin. His work focuses on various themes, including rhetoric, dramatics and theology of the early modern period; theory and interpretation of drama up to the present; contemporary literature; theory and praxis of publication of editions philology (including editions concerning Kleist and Lessing); conversions research; and controversy research.
In addition to this work, Bremer periodically completes theater critiques for www.nachtkritik.de

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© Ute Schendel[1] Angelus Novus[2] Margit Broich[3][4]