KD Wolff
Jahrgang 1943, geb. in Marburg/Lahn, 1959/60 Austauschschüler in USA, erster Kontakt zur Civil Rights Bewegung.
Jurastudium in Marburg, Freiburg/Brsg. und Frankfurt.
1967/1968 Bundesvorsitzender des Sozialistischen Deutschen Studentenbundes (SDS), 38 Demonstrationsstrafverfahren, Abbruch des Jurastudiums.
1970 Gründung des Verlags Stroemfeld/Roter Stern, Verleger
1975 Beginn der historisch-kritischen, von D.E. Sattler herausgegebenen
Frankfurter Hölderlin-Ausgabe mit Faksimiles der Hölderlin-Handschriften
1977/78 Klaus Theweleit "Männerphantasien"
In den 80er und 90er Jahren historisch-kritische Editionen der Werke von H. v. Kleist, Karoline v. Günderrode, Gottfried Keller, Georg Trakl, Franz Kafka, Robert Walser u.a.
Seit den 70er Jahren Freundschaft mit Heiner Müller, auf seinen Vorschlag 1993 Wahl in den Beirat des P.E.N.-Zentrums (Ost).
Die bei Stroemfeld geplante Müller-Werkausgabe kam nicht mehr zustande.
KD Wolf was born in 1943 in Marburg on the Lahn River. In the years 1959 and 1960 he was an exchange student in the USA, marking his first interaction with the Civil Rights Movement. Wolff completed Law School in the cities of Marburg, Freiburg, Breisgau, and Frankfurt. From 1967 to 1968 he was the federal chairman of the Sozialistischen Deutschen Studentenbundes (SDS) (or the Socialist German Student Union). At the same time, Wolff argued in 38 demonstrational criminal proceedings before abandoning his study of Law. In 1970 he founded and then worked as a publisher in the firm Stroemfeld/Roter Stern Publishing.
In 1975 Wolff began to work on the historical-critical facsimile reproduction of the Frankfurter Hölderlin-Handwritings, later published by D.E. Sattler.
From 1977 to 1978 he helped Klaus Theweleit publish his dissertation, “Männerphantasien” (Men’s Fantasies). In the 80’s and 90’s Wolff went on to publish historical-critical editions of the works of Heinrich von Kleist, Karoline v. Günderrode, Gottfried Keller, Georg Trakl, Franz Kafka, Robert Walser and others. In the 1970’s, Wolff developed a friendship with Heiner Müller and, upon his suggestion, he was chosen for the P.E.N.-Center East (Poets, Essayists, Novelists Center).
The previously planned edition of Müller’s work with Stroemfeld Publications was not realized.