Marcel Otten
Autor, Übersetzer
Marcel Otten studied English, French, Dutch and Old Icelandic literature and language at the University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. He received his BA in Dutch literature and his MA in Dramaturgy at the University of Amsterdam. He translated /adapted about hundred plays out of the English, German, French and Norse languages into Dutch for all major Dutch and Flemish theatre companies and he wrote eight plays. Apart from that he translated thirty novels, sagas and both Edda’s out of the Old and Modern Icelandic language into Dutch for renowned Dutch publishing companies.
All of his translations / adaptations and original plays have been staged on the major theatres in Holland and Belgium and about half of them were either published by different theatres or by International Theatre & Film Books.
In addition to the dozens of other plays that Otten has translated, he has also brought a large amount of Müller’s works into Dutch as well as writing his own original work based off of Müller. His works include:
1989- Heiner Müller / Inge Müller Explosion of a Memory
1990- Heiner Müller Die Insel des grossen Blutbades. A compilation of Müller's major works, including Der Auftrag, Hamletmaschine, Herzstück, Quartett, Mauser, Philoktet and many others; published by International Theatre & Film Books.
1991- Heiner Müller Blut ist im Schuh
1992- Heiner Müller Traktor
1995- Heiner Müller Ajax zum Beispiel
1999- Macbeth after Shakespeare / Heiner Müller, original play
His own works include: A Clockwork Orange, original play based upon the novel by Antony Burgess and the film by Stanley Kubrick and Leeuwendalers / Een Vondelcommentaar, an original play based upon the 17th century Dutch poet Joost van den Vondel. Otten’s works and translations have won numerous awards including the Toneel Publieksprijs, Filter Vertaalprijs 2012 and the Longlist European Literature Award in 2013, 2014 and 2015. His play 06 was made into a movie and was screened in 26 countries.
1997 Last Voyage: a compilation of poems, prose, essays and plays 2018 Eenzame teksten die op geschiedenis wachten: a compilation of poems, prose and plays 2020 Shakespeare Factory: all texts concerning Shakespeare