Michael Wood
Theaterwissenschaftler, Literaturwissenschaftler
Doktorand an der University of Edinburgh
Geboren in Edinburgh. Lebt in Edinburgh/London
Studierte Germanistik und Philosophie (B.A.) an der University of Oxford, dann Germanistik (M.Phil.) bei Prof. Karen Leeder und Dr. Ben Morgan. Ehemaliger Gaststudent an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Schreibt eine Doktorarbeit über Heiner Müller an der University of Edinburgh bei Dr Laura Bradley und Prof. Peter Davies als Arts and Humanities Research Council(UK)-Stipendiat.
Publikationen zu Heiner Müller:
Das Land, in dem das Proletariat [nur] genannt werden darf. The Language of Participation in Heiner Müllers Der Lohndrücker, Modern Language Review 109/1 (2014): 160-77
Performing the Collective: Heiner Müllers Allein mit diesen Leibern (Alone with these Bodies) as a Piece for Postdramatic Theatre, in Karen Jürs-Munby, Jerome Carroll, and Steve Giles (eds), Postdramatic Theatre and the Political. International Perspectives on Contemporary Performance, pp. 255-72 (London: Bloomsbury, 2013)
PhD student at the University of Edinburgh
Born in Edinburgh. Lives in Edinburgh / London
Studied German philology and philosophy (B.A.) at the University of Oxford, then German philology (M.Phil.) with Prof. Karen Leeder and Dr. Ben Morgan. Former guest lecturer at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Wrote a PhD thesis on Heiner Müller at the University of Edinburgh with Dr Laura Bradley and Prof. Peter Davies as Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) scholarship recipient.
Publications about Heiner Müller:
‚„Das Land, in dem das Proletariat [nur] genannt werden darf.“ The Language of Participation in Heiner Müller's Der Lohndrücker,’ Modern Language Review 109/1 (2014): 160-77
‘Performing the Collective: Heiner Müller’s “Allein mit diesen Leibern” (“Alone with these Bodies”) as a Piece for Postdramatic Theatre,’ in Karen Jürs-Munby, Jerome Carroll, and Steve Giles (eds.), Postdramatic Theater and the Political. International Perspectives on Contemporary Performance, pp. 255-72 (London: Bloomsbury, 2013)